Coastal Counseling
+ Wellness


coastal counseling + Wellness

individual Counseling

  • What does this entail?

    There are many details that can be shared as to what individual counseling may look like, however at Coastal Counseling + Wellness, we reject the notion that therapy can be one-size-fits-all. Therapy is most effective when it is tailored to address the precise needs of each individual client.

  • Reasons for starting counseling

    From grieving a loss, to managing job related stress, parenting children, and everything in between, therapy is there to help. Some people choose to attend counseling for one specific concern, while some have a range of needs and goals. Further, some folks prefer to simply have a neutral party to express concerns, thoughts, frustrations, etc. with.

  • attend counseling from anywhere

    One of the largest benefits of telehealth counseling is the ability to attend sessions from the comfort of your home. Using our secure and confidential platform, Simple Practice, you can easily attend your sessions from a phone or laptop wherever you're comfortable.